Friday, 30 August 2013

Was the voter boycott during the Butebo District bye- election in Uganda, the first of its kind in East, South and Central Africa?

By Gwada Ogot, CCEDU Secretariat 

First, the Butebo County Constituency bye- election was struck by a shock midday press release from the Electoral Commission (EC) on the eve of e-day; an announcement that election front-runner; Lt. Oseku had been barred from contesting the election on a technicality- that he was still a serving member of the UPDF, Ugandas National Army and therefore ineligible to run.
Ironically, as a former member of the NRM, Oseku had on two earlier occasions been cleared to contest the NRM party’ primaries. In both instances the national army did not protest.
Accordingly, the commission went ahead and placed advisory posters at all polling stations relaying its decision. The decision evoked emotive reactions from Oseku’s supporters, and on e-day, in an unprecedented show of grand solidarity, voters from 18 polling stations - all strongholds of Lt. Oseku- boycotted the election to a man.